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Made to Conquer is a podcast and community that will inspire you to have a deeper relationship with Jesus and
encourage you in your walk with Him

I'm so happy you're here!

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Our prayer team is honored to pray for you!


Prayer Requests


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Updates on Sam's Journey

Click the link below to see what God is doing in Sami's life...

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Statement of Faith

  • I believe that God the Father is the one true living God and the Creator of all things. The Lord our God is 3 in 1: God the Father, God the Son Jesus and God the Holy Spirit.

  • We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. However, the good news is that anyone who desires to be reconciled to God can do so by faith alone in Jesus Christ. This is not something we can earn. We simply receive the salvation Jesus gave us on the cross at Calvary.

  • I believe Jesus lived a perfect and sinless life, and as the promised Messiah died as the Passover Lamb for us and rose again on the third day. It is only through Him that we are forgiven of our sins and empowered by the Holy Spirit that allows us to walk in righteousness.

  • When we choose to give our lives to Jesus, we die to ourselves and are born again as a new creation in Christ. I believe that the evidence that we belong to God is the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. That fruit is shown through our love of God and our love for people.

  • God loves you and He longs to have a deep and intimate relationship with you. To foster that relationship, God has gifted us with the Bible…the absolute authority for doctrine, theology and truth. The Bible is the perfect inerrant written Word of God.  What a blessing it is to have access to His precious Holy Word! ​

I believe God has a special plan for your life and, if you haven’t yet, I pray that you will accept His free gift of salvation through His son, Jesus Christ. I promise it will be the best decision of your life.

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